Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Melany Bell's Facebook post today. I needed this.

This just in: All vibration creates matter when combined or coalescing with other vibration, which is all there is. Our thoughts create a vibration within us, within our bodies, we call this 'feeling'. This felt, or visceral vibration, is part of the 'spark' that manifest actual matter in and around us. Inside, we create pools of fat we call hormones. These hormones also have minerals or earth on them that 'spark' off reactions. And = they create particular vibrations that tell our cells how to act and react in a particular way in order to create the desired result within the body. Joy, Elation, Anger, Fear, Love. In other words, this manifests as our doing-ness. In other words, BIG LEAP, what if we were literally creating all matter around us with our thoughts? See if you can hear what I'm saying. What if everything in your experience of life were literally, vibrationally created by what you were feeling/thinking and what that caused you to DO. Now you understand who you really are. All in all. Perfect and perfecting. Creation and Creator. Vibration and vibrator. Sacred and Profane. beginning and end of all. We are ALL ONE.

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