Monday, December 31, 2012

Dear Brother and Sister

Yesterday after church a woman I have known almost all of my life walked up to me smiling and said "You gettin' hipty. You got big legs." Smiled again and walked away. I'll note here in case you aren't a regular reader of my blog, that I don't regularly or even often attend this church. My mother still attends. It's the church I grew up in. It's the church of which I hold some good and some painful memories. Anyway, she said that and walked away. What brings me to write about her comment is this. Every time I come to the church I see her and/or her husband, both ushers, first greeters of the guests, one of them makes some remark about my weight. What if I was sensitive about that to the point it would have me never come back? What if I didn't happen to think I was as sexy as I think I am? Smile. What about how incredibly inappropriate that is on so many levels? Especially with the majority of the remarks coming from him. I never say anything. I don't know why. I don't though. I never give any expression. They can't read that? So this is to you Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, no, I'm not a size 2 anymore. I, as you put it, am hipty. Love it and me or don't. But as you wonder why the children and other members are disappearing from the church, listen to the "love" you give.

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