Saturday, August 5, 2017

Chilling. Writing. Getting through.

Uraeus and I are chillin this Saturday. Woke up late and been reading, on the computer, writing and relaxing since. Nothing to see here. I started to go to the park today to write. My favorite. My writing park. But I didn't. I don't know what changed my mind. Decided to do some stream of consciousness writing here at the apartment. I did. Turned out ok. I work tomorrow with a home health client so I'll get out then. Maybe even get to the park afterwards. There is a piece I want to complete on Jepthatha's daughter (a Bible story) before the WomanPreach event next month. I have it sketched in my head but don't have any of it down yet. I want Valerie to see it before I present it. So I guess I better get to writing.

So that's it. Again, nothing much here. I just wanted to post today. Things are slow and I'm a little worried about it but I pick up the worry and put it down throughout the day. Next month will be better. Praying I can get through this one. Also next month is my birthday month, so there's that. I plan to have a skate party down the street at World on Wheels. Yep. Old school thanna mug.

Peace out y'all. Call ya mama. Hug a tree.

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