Thursday, April 2, 2015

A poem a day for 2015 - day 92 - This day

This day is a prayer
This day is awake eyes and moving feet
This day is a text from my mother
To join her at the gym
This is gym day
This is computer lab day at Starbucks
Bus going by
Breeze on my face
Peppermint shower
This day is easy moments
This day is my mother and V Kali in the village
This is village day
This day is it takes a village
We talk about trees
And raccoons and thorn bushes and tree roots that destroy plumbing
This day is easy
This day is easy does not mean no challenge
Because he is still in hospital
She is still angry
They are still missing
They are still dead
We are still reminding other folks and ourselves that black lives matter
Black lives matter is still a hashtag
This day is self care
This is trust day as the African man asks me to watch his computer
As he goes into the restroom
He leaves his coffee and computer and bag and notes
This day he knows I am not a thief
I am not a thief
I am trustworthy
This day the painter is showing his work in the lobby
Black art
Black lives
Black coffee
Black folks
Black village
Black matters
This is Crenshaw day
This is breath day
This is inhale and exhale
This is pronounce all the black names correctly day at this Starbucks
This is free write day
This day is to release words
To plug in and plug out
This is love yourself day
Love yourselves day
This day I know you are out there
This day I know you are listening
This is love myself day
This is love day
This day is this
This this day

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