Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Uraeus. Birthday. Love.

Happy 20th birthday to my son, Uraeus! I love him so much. He's not on social media but I still wanted to dedicate this post to him. Have an incredible day, love!


Today I will listen to the whole song. Watch the dance until the end. Will laugh until the funny fills my belly all up. I will take pictures of the trees. Way the leaves want to bend and scoop me up. I will pray and give thanks for all the things. Things that hurt, that helped, that healed. Things that made me sing, with my not singing self. Today I will walk without my shoes. Let the dirt between my toes. I will sit and stare at the sky. See what the clouds have to say. I will write poems and tell stories. Will dance and scream. Shout joy all through this place.

Hit me up

I'm finally on Instagram @jaha0903 but I don't know what I'm doing yet.

Breakfast fave

I love scrambled eggs with chunky raw onions and cilantro and grits and lots of pepper and butter. Now you know me a little better.