Tuesday, June 23, 2009

If you have writer's block then...

001. Listen to the trees in your backyard. Big, tall trees that tell stories. Toni Morrison, Jesus stories.
002. Feel the rhythm of your heart. Thumping. Again. Again.
003. Remember love.
004. Laugh today.
005. Pay close attention to your children. Any body's children.
006. Ride the public transportation.
007. Watch the news.
008. Make a list of what you are thankful for.
009. Tell the truth about what you hide.
010. Keep a journal.
011. Write a letter to someone you feel has done you wrong.
012. Write a letter to someone you feel has done you wrong and put yourself in his shoes in the same situation.
013. Think about someone you feel has done you wrong and remember when you did something similar to someone else.
014. Give.
015. Start blogging.
016. Write an article you would want to appear in your favorite magazine.
017. Read. Read. Read.
018. Write a letter to yourself to be read twenty years from now.
019. Start a journal for your children to be read in ten years.
020. Write out your will.
021. Choose between cleaning your closets or writing a new story, about anything.
022. Write a letter to a friend/relative who has passed on.
023. Write down your thoughts as you are thinking them, as fast as you can.
024. Write down your favorite childhood moment.
025. Write down the lie you told today and why you told it.
026. Make a birthday wish list.
027. Write an essay about what you would do with no lights in your home for a month.
028. Write the lyrics of your favorite song.
029. Write the lyrics of your favorite song and why the song affects you.
030. Write down situations that make you upset.
031. Write down situations that make you happy.
032. Write an essay about what you are afraid of and take action on despite you fear.
033. Describe a room in your home.
034. Describe all of the rooms of your home.
035. Create a vision board and write about it.

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