Friday, July 15, 2011

I'm back!

I have been working like a mug (that's west coast for, a whole lot) and have not been blogging. Not like me. I missed you bloggy. Anyway I'm back now. Still working but decided to take a few early moments to get back in the groove. Just because I haven't been blogging does not mean that I have not been writing. Been writing a lot.

Writing as therapy, writing as fun, as joy, as release. A lot has been coming out. A lot of self love. A lot of anger. Remembering. Releasing. Ideas. One of the things that have come out of my morning writing is the evaluating of my relationships, friendships. I was doing some stream of consciousness writing and noticed that too many of my "friendships" don't have anything to do with me. Like I have these friendships in name only really where I am not being fed at all in the relationship. Occassional calls to "catch up" where they only want my business or to judge me (about whatever). Sooooo, I cleared my head, as much as I could, and let my pen flow with names of folks it's just time to take myself back from. And return to myself.

Because that exercise was so healing I ventured onto another one. Deleting numbers from my phone. I carry my phone everywhere. Everywhere. I am carrying around folks I no longer want to carry around. So, I deleted. And deleted. And deleted. And enjoyed it. Now, some of these people were not people I dislike, just folks I no longer have relationships with. And really, deleting is easier and easier with Facebook and every other way I can get in contact if I really want to. But I don't think I will.

Well, honestly I didn't expect any of that to come out. I was really just logging on to get back in the blogging groove. But, that's life. That's writing.

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