Tuesday, January 31, 2012

THE NIKEL chapter 5

That evening Obrey rang the doorbell to the condo. Sharita opened the door and she and Jewel walked in together holding hands. "Peace, Queen." Sharita said to Obrey. "Hey little mama." She bent down to talk to Jewel and Obrey looked around for Amad. "You're getting so big. How old are you now?"

"I'm seven."

"Oh my goodness. I remember when you were only this high." And now you're all grown up.

Obrey dryly said, "This is for you." Then handed her a bottle of juice.

"Thanks. Amad is in the study with Malik." She pointed to the rear. Jewel saw other children and walked over to play with them.

Obrey opened the study room door and Amad and Malik looked startled. Amad quickly tried to get her out of the room while Malik logged off the computer. Amad looked like he had just been caught stealing from his mother's pocketbook. "Greetings, my queen." Obrey rolled her eyes and walked out. Amad ran up to her to take her hand.

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