Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Uraeus. Driving. Rent.

It's 10:00pm and I am at home. Just got here about ten minutes ago. Uraeus and I went for another driving lesson. He's taking his test tomorrow. He's a good, patient driver. I think he will pass. We will see. In other news, I worked today and my shift went well. This client likes to go for rides so that's what we did. Got on the freeway and went south then rode Vermont up back to Inglewood where she lives. She's funny to me. She's ninety-eight years old but will only claim to be ninety-two like that makes a difference. She is super snarky too. And can rag on you like nobody's business. I had on a black jumpsuit today and when she saw me she said "Hmm, some people think that when you wear black it makes you look slimmer" then paused "it doesn't though." Do I need this from a ninety-eight year old woman? No I do not. I laughed it off and we had a good day together.

Fucking rent is due and I don't have all of it yet. I will but I don't yet. I'm so tired of the rent hustle. From the rent I take out groceries and food and gas and after that rent money has drastically dwindled. I'm scratching and surviving though. Good times, yeah. The hustle wouldn't be so bad if I didn't work so hard. I fucking work HARD and OFTEN. And for very little money. Thankfully poetry  and teaching poetry and book and art sales pick up where the job leaves off. But that's a hustle too. I get home so late that all I wanna do is go to sleep and when I wake up it's time to work again. Blah blah blah. You don't wanna hear it and I don't wanna say it. I need some rest and my meds because I'm getting so irritable. It's not showing, at least I hope not, but I feel it. Tomorrow is another day though. I'm looking forward to going to The World Stage because I haven't been in a long time. V is the feature too so that's a double treat. I usually work on Wednesday nights but the client I work nights for I'm not working for her this week.

Anyway, time for me to eat, get some reading in and go to sleep. That is after I scroll through Facebook for a bit. Y'all be easy.

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