Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Tara Bliss Manor nominated me to post 3 positive things for 7 days and nominate 1 person at the end of each day. I'll take that on, and thank you for the invitation Tara. 

1. I am POSITIVE that black Americans need to wake up and see that we are being set up! They are baiting us around this country that we and our ancestors built to SET IT OFF all together so that they will have reason for the outright war they want because

2. I am POSITIVE that these good white folks have jails they want filled and

3. I am POSITIVE that all of our voices are needed right now yelling as loudly as can be.

Today I nominate Valerie Hugsy Bridgeman to post 3 positive things for 7 days and nominate 1 person at the end of each day. And if she doesn't choose I totally get it. Blessings y'all.

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