Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Because it’s too easy to talk about how good you are
Then you are in an elevator with a transgender man
And refuse to speak because you don’t approve of how she
Chooses to live her life
Or call him she

So what about your religion if
You can not give your time to mentor
A child or take care of your grandmother
And listen to her stories
The ones she tells over and over

Your money is nothing if it only feeds
Your self
Your poetry is a nuisance if each stanza
Serves to make you seem bigger than you are
All of your stories about you
So what so much about you

What about the old man down the street with no food and two jobs
The girl around the corner with cancer and no hair no friend
The dog with three legs
The apartment with broken windows

So what about your self
For at least a moment of the day

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