Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Happy birthday to my grandmother

Today is my maternal grandmother's birthday
She passed away June 1997
This is not a poem
These are things I remember
The day of her stroke I had a feeling I was pregnant but I was not sure
She had a stroke that night so I never told her while she was conscious that I was pregnant
I didn't have my son until November
She woke up at some point and said I would be having a girl
My grandmother was the secretary of the church
She had impeccable cursive
She wore a jet black Jheri Curl
Why do people say jet black
Her belly bounced when she laughed
My belly jumps when I laugh
My grandmother made apple pie from the apples from her tree
She drove a great big station wagon
She took care of her husband
She asked me to wear a wig to my grandfather's funeral because I would be reciting a poem
I was mad about that
Now I understand
Sort of
Not really, but I'm not mad about it anymore
My grandmother made me laugh
My grandmother made me cry
She told great stories
She was the youngest of sixteen children
Her firstborn child was a girl named Mary
Mary died after only three days
My grandmother held Mary in her arms before she knew she was dead
My grandmother had perfect skin
Not just for a woman her age
But beautiful beautiful skin
My grandmother was not a huggy kissy woman
She did not like us in the kitchen while she cooked
My grandmother loved me
I know she did
She did
I know she

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