Thursday, April 21, 2011

To the BOOM Girls

I don't know the fullness to which you have defined "Boom." I check out your Facebook pages. I see you around town. I know you all personally. So I gather it's the exclamation at the end of a chosen statement (spoken or not), coupled with glossy snapped lips and a raised eyebrow.

But I know it's more than that. More than high heels and lip gloss. B girl sneaks and French tips. More than "stunting on bitches...daily." Oh, I know that's part of it. But not the best part of Boom. There is a part the world can't see. The guiness of your creativity. The stories. The lines, each thought out, worked over, crossed out and inserted line that makes the final draft.

Now lemme just say, individually yall are each too much to handle. You each hold your own super human strength. You're all beautiful. All wordsmiths. I was so honored to work with you all last Monday as the host of the first anniversary of Brass Knuckles where the Boom Girls featured as a collective. The west coast Booms anyway. Nikki Blak, Tamara Blue, Judy Holiday, Jimetta Rose and Simply Kat. Missing form the list are Ebony Janice, April Jones and Sonya Renee. Thank you, thank you for the opportunity to witness your collective greatness.

The house was packed. The eyes and ears were open. The hearts were ready. Yall took me on a ride last night. As each of you stepped to the mic my jaw dropped lower and lower. I loved that you didn't so much perform for us. No, not a performance, you shared with us. Shared your stories, tears. Shared your wit. Read from your pages. Blessed us with song. Words. Wisdom. Thank you and thank you again for "stunting" on us. BOOM!

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