Monday, August 14, 2017

Good day. Writing park. Feeling good.

It's 7:06pm and I'm home. Had a good day with my client today. I usually have a good day with him though. I am inspired by him. I mean, 97. 97! And healthy and active and teaching other seniors. God is good.

I went to my writing park but didn't get any writing done. That's ok because I got some good ideas and am happy about executing them starting first thing tomorrow. Well not first thing. I'm going hiking tomorrow. Though it may be more walking than hiking. I'm not feeling the hills right now. I may just do a few times around the walking area and come home and work. Whatever I do I plan to workout tomorrow.

I'm feeling good. Much much better than I was feeling the past few days. Good news. I don't have much to say. I haven't had much to say recently. Notice that? Whatever.

Oh, I'm featured at an event on Thursday. Gotta do some writing because I don't have a piece about the Nazi march in VA and I want my set to say something about it. We will see what comes out.

Maybe I'll post later. Love y'all.

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