Tuesday, July 21, 2009

If you have writer's block then:

1. You have not been on public transportation in a while.
2. You have not sat in an emergency room recently.
3. You have no access to a pen, pencil, computer, nail polish.
4. You do not have children.
5. You have not watched a sunset recently.
6. You have not applied for food stamps.
7. You have not gone to visit a loved one in jail.
8. You are not in school.
9. You have not had the grilled stuft burrito from Taco Bell.
10. You have not sat on the bus stop on Crenshaw and King.
11. You have not been to the airport to see lovers kiss goodbye.
12. You go to bed before the crackheads come out.
13. You have not applied for a job recently.
14. Your city is not named in any rap song.

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