Thursday, September 24, 2009

Art show Saturday

I'm getting ready for my art show on Saturday evening. Glad it's in the evening. I love evening art shows. Don't know why. I'm not hosting the show. It's being hosted by Wendy Tonsits who is a jewelry maker. The show will feature my work, hers and the paintings of John Carpentier.

Right now I am building frames for the show. I have the art finished that I'm going to show. None of it is framed though. My shoulder is a bit sore from the sawing but the work looks good. I'm due for a hot bath and massage. I'm going to settle for the hot bath.

I'll keep you posted and let you know how things are progressing and how the show goes. Send you prayers. Love yall.

Ps. thanks for your calls and email messages regarding the storm in Georgia. I'm fine. The storm affected the counties east of me. I heard that Six Flags was under water. Please continue to send your prayers and support to those in that area.

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