Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Notes on Mr. Past (from journal 04-01-11)

I am happy and thankful to see another day. I was reading my friend, Kim's book last night and this morning. ME INSIDE OUT. It's about how we let the past stay in and dictate our present. We let the past tell us how life is going to go and how we are going to feel each day.

For me, Mr. Past (a character in her book and in many of our lives) starts early with his conversations. Mr. Past reminds me early in the morning about something someone said or did to me that made me feel really bad. Then it takes me a minute to get over that. But today I recognize the tricks of Mr. Past and I'm not gonna fall for them. I see the pattern. He tells me or reminds me of something negative so that I will get stuck in that thought or memory all the while I'm not moving forward in my day doing what God has given me to do now. Not today.

I forgive the folks connected to the memories that pop up. I forgive myself for being connected to them as well.

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