Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Bible class. Mother. St. Mark.

Tonight I went to Bible class at church with my mother. Truthfully I went for the same reason I surprised her at Sunday School on Sunday, so that she would be happy. And she was. I like that. I don't plan to go back to Sunday School but I had a really great time at Bible class. It was taught by the pastor of the church. I appreciated his sermon on Sunday and other sermons I've heard by him. My mother speaks highly of his class and so I thought I'd join her tonight. I'm glad I did. I'm even looking forward to returning next week. After the class my mother and I went out to eat. It reminded me of the days when I was a little girl and we would get up super late and go eat breakfast food at Denny's. I wonder if she remembers that. Tonight I am present to how blessed I am to have loving friends and family. I am blessed to have my mother with me and have opportunity to spend time with her. I am thankful for our health and strength. I am reminded tonight, to be thankful, and I am.

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