Wednesday, July 22, 2009

To Live for a Living

Someone asked me what I mean when I say I live for a living. Simply put:

I wake up early before the sun
drink tea
change the furniture in my house...often
I think before I speak...but not too long
write letters to my son in my journal
I make mistakes
pray...all the time
write poetry
recite poetry
in the shower, on the toilet, in the car, while on hold with the gas company
water company
power company

I speak to strangers on the street
and recognize that we are the same no matter the circumstance
I enjoy what I eat and the glass of wine that goes with it
I laugh even when it's not funny
I listen, especially when I'm confronted and it doesn't feel good
I'm defensive and I get over it
I'm insecure and I say so
I recognize that I am a beautiful woman
I say really mean things to myself...ugly, fat, boring, no good
and I tell myself to shut up
I pray
I pray
I cry
I make sure my friends know how important they are to me
I love my son with everything I have
and everything I don't
I take naps
I stand on stage and tell the world the truth of my business
trusting it will make a difference that makes a difference for someone else
I write stories
I tell stories
I paint
I lie
I cheat
I pray
I give
and give
and give

I go to the spa
I clean my house
I pray
I call my mother and tell her I love her
I gossip
I pray
I get depressed and get over it
I stand on stage and tell a thousand folks about it
I get paid
I write books
I sing songs...badly...but I really love to sing
I admit when I'm wrong and do what I can to clean it up

I create my world with my words, thoughts and prayers
I'm careful about what I say when I'm consciously creating my tomorrow
I know that my world is a result of what I speak
I give God the glory for being the Source of all of my supply
I live

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