Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tuesday morning prayer


Thank You, God for waking me up this day. I am so richly blessed. With Your love and kindness. Your friendship and forgiveness. I am blessed in ways I don't even know. Thank You, Mother, Father for living and breathing in me.

Please keep my mind and body healthy. Please keep me sane and loving and peaceful. Especially during this season of home health. It is a struggle for me sometimes to remain at peace in the face of the work I am hired to do.

It is a blessing, I know, to see and know first hand what the elderly in our communities experience on a daily basis. And the elderly that I deal with are only those who can afford the services of a home health aide. There are so many who can't. Please bless them. Please bless the families who are trying to take care of the older ones who don't have the knowledge and skills. Please bless me to do what I can do to share what I have learned and have been blessed with to help others.

"Gettin' old aint for sissies." That's what Mr. M. told me yesterday. Please bless him and his wife. Please give them comfort and peace in their minds and rest in their bodies.

Please bless the elderly throughout the world. Those who feel trapped in the forgetfullness of their own minds, the aches and pains of their bodies, the coldness of their thinning skin.

Thank You for being everything we need. Protector, Friend, Guide, Doctor, Father, Brother, Mother, Sister, Secret Keeper. Merciful Miracle Maker, who You are for us is endless. Thank You.

Thank You for my son, Uraeus. I thank You because I know that there is nowhere he can be that You are not. I thank You because You know all of his thoughts and deeds. I thank You because You are always with him, leading him and guiding him.

Thank You for all of who You are.

And so it is.

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