Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dear Tammy Mack and Don Amichi

On the drive home today I was listening to the Tammy Mack and Don Amichi show on 102.3 and as Tammy was acknowledging 9/11 Don said something weird and off. Of course that's my opinion. He said that he thinks we should move on and not, I don't remember his exact word here, but something like not honor the day every year because "It's like having a funeral every year." When Tammy asked how we acknowledge the victims he said "We should build the towers back." "Yeah, they are, so we shouldn't talk about it anymore?" She asked. It bothered me that he so stuck to his guns and it felt like we were bothering him by bringing it up every year. Excuse us.

What's scary is that that's the kind of thinking that so many black Americans have about slavery. That we should accept that it happened. It was bad. It's over. Now let's build a statue somewhere and move on like nothing ever happened. So what do we just skip over that part of our history? I know I know, Don wasn't talking about slavery so don't collapse the two topics. But still, same thing with 9/11. "Move on?"


And this switches topics all the way but it's on my mind and I don't want to create a separate post about it. But last week I was listening to the same show and some celebrity, I don't remember his name, was accused of rape recently and as they were talking about it they revealed that what made this accusation unique was that the woman willingly had sex with the man but during the act he got rough and when she told him to stop he didn't. It bothers me that they were undecided as to whether or not that was rape. I was expecting Tammy to at least give the no means no, stop means stop speech but she was more in a hurry to get off of the subject than he was.

I'm officially side eyeing the Tammy Mack and Don Amichi show.

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