Thursday, December 12, 2019


I'm doing a shitload of self talk today because...I have to. I'm calling my talks staff meetings. I'm having them in front of my computer, in the shower, driving to pick up Uraeus from work, picking up food, while organizing my paintings. Praying and talking to myself and writing helps. A lot. Writing helps me to see my thoughts in print. In front of me. Helps me see what's rational. What doesn't make sense. What's possible. What's a waste of my time.

Before I continue this rant I want to express some good news. Karyn is doing better. Praise God the stroke will not win. Today she posted a video of her in the hospital. It was good to hear her speaking. She was in bed but she did manage to move around a little bit. I look forward to her continued healing.

I need healing of my own too. Healing from this no sales day. Ok, not yet sales day because it ain't over and my spirit is good and God has brought me this far. I posted a sale on my paintings tonight until 9 tomorrow morning. I don't like to discount my art prices because they are truly low enough but people take advantage of the sales so let's hope they do again tonight. I have some stuff due tomorrow. Motel fee is the biggest deal and the most time sensitive since it's due at 10. I have a poem and paint event tomorrow night at 7 in Redondo Beach and need to be there at least by 6:00 to find good parking and set up. Uraeus gets off at 6 so I'm going to have to come up with Lyft money for him to get home. Home. I'm tired of calling motels home but that's where I am right now and I'm not going to let that get to me.

I need to get off this blog and continue pushing book sales.


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