Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A poem a day for 2013 - day 1 - Dear Uraeus

Maybe I will never get it right
This honor called mother
There was never manuscript
Only these hands this heart these veins
That pump dreams for you
Wishes that will fence foes from you

Who knows what right is
There was never a you before you came
You are my new under the sun

And here we are
In these years
Where you learn to live your life into your own rainbow
And I am left with inherited fears of
You and the world and police and stand your ground laws
That won't change fast enough

I am ever stomping nightmares

Each day visioning you man
With shield and sword
With honor
With table manners
With a love you hold and share whisper

I am proud of you
Of the human being you became
The spirit large you posess

Your fathers eyes and nose
My lips and legs
That deep earth skin
That quiet
That stare that knows
Those secrets
Those stories

The world is not ready

I have always known you as super hero
You will leave and travel the world
Your hands will heal
Your words will create
O mountains

You are tree, Uraeus


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