Friday, July 17, 2020

Paper (6) Seth

I'm apartment hunting today. I'm gonna settle on somewhere this week because I'm tired of looking and I wanna just be somewhere. I've narrowed my choices down to a two bedroom apartment in Leimert Park or a three bedroom house I looked at the other day in Windsor Hills. Wait, there was also that condo in Inglewood. If I were to purchase property it would be a condo. I was never that guy who mowed lawns and repaired shutters or needed a garage. I don't even have a car. I can't even drive. I grew up a home schooled, Beverly Hills rich kid. I'm twenty-three years old living off a trust fund. Thanks to my grandfather, I have more money than I'll ever spend in my lifetime. I'm Seth Baker, boy multimillionaire.
I hear your brains ticking. What am I doing down here? Why don't I just take my half white ass back up to Beverly Hills? My best friend, Brandon's been asking me the same thing. Well, recently ex best friend. A guy can only give his white friends a pass so many times before that guy and his passes become part of the problem. I was having dinner at Brandon's house last week when his dad goes in about "those thugs and terrorists in BLM." Then he keeps going on and on and on and "those people" this and "never satisfied" and "broken homes" that and he just would not fucking stop. It's like he was digging and digging daring me to say something. This prick is getting off on how uncomfortable he was making me until I finally just gave him what he was asking for. Fuck it. Brandon's mom, Penny said it was best if I left. Not like I wasn't leaving on my own. Then Brandon! Fucking asshole Brandon is sitting there all surprised like he didn't know his dad was a racist dick. We fucking talk about it all the time. He's always talking about how the next time he gets on one of his porch monkey rants he's gonna finally let him have it. That's what he called it too, "porch monkey rants." Said that like a million times and I let it go a million times because no way was my best friend like that. Was just saying some shit he heard his dad say. I know Brandon's deal though. His dad has been controlling him with money his whole life. He's my age and his dad's still telling him how to dress. They never raised him to be anything but their pet or they would disown him. Fucking assholes. Wanna know the worst part? I get home and Brandon sends me this long ass text about how I took it the wrong way and why was I was being all sensitive all of a sudden and I should be used to his dad talking like that because he's always been like that. Saying shit like I don't even know the black side of my family and that I was just a rich kid like him. Fuck him and his fucking family. Fuck Beverly Hills too.
My mom thinks I'm too young to move out and she doesn't think the neighborhoods I chose are safe for white boys. That's the problem. I ain't a boy. I ain't white either.

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