Monday, February 4, 2013

A poem a day for 2013 - day 35 - Dear Jaha

There is good in the world
There are children home and safe with people who love them
They are appropriately touched and cared for
There are women who walk the streets at ease
Women who have never been raped
Women without pasts that chase them 
With shark teeth in their dreams
Women who are in relationships that nurture their growth and desires
There are police who protect black boys
There are

Everyone is not losing their homes
There are families with enough to eat
And covers to sleep
There are black men who are thankful for their lives
And the paths that led them to now
Men who lead and teach other men and boys
This is the world too

The press will handle the bad news today
They are reliable for that
Every day
Love is revolutionary
Stories about safe boys and girls
Live babies 
Happy women
Healthy men
This is the world too

There are days you wake to clear skies in your head
When getting out of bed is easy
There are mornings when you know
You are the best fruit you have ever tasted
There are plenty of days 
You laugh so easy 
It seems like sin

There is more to your skin than red
Some days are sky blue and pink
You are yellow 
And you are green

You are so green, Jaha

And there are days you are 
Blood and mud
But then how would you ever know orange
Without the blood

Blood is a part of it, Jaha
It just is
Your blood is river
But when the flowing is calm
You see colors so God

These days deserve your words too
These days 
These pink and yellow
These orange these green
These lilies these clovers
This is the world too

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