Thursday, April 23, 2020

*a memoir under construction DEAR GOD, a memoir in verse

Dear God

You were there
In Sunday school
Miss Williams said You were everywhere 

The five of us were there 
In the small white tent next door 
I don't remember any of their names 
Only hands
Only fingers

The big girl's hand pressed against my red barrettes 
Pushing and pulling my head on his dick
It was not like peppermint or Bit O Honey 
It was a Bomp Pop and Big Stick
But not sweet and orange 
It was Play Do left open
Ashy and uncared for 
Pointing and ready for me
To suck

I was four and he was nineteen 
I think
He was a black boy
Wore faded blue jeans
And a half smile on his dark brown and bumpy looking face

What was his name, God
You know the number of hairs on our heads
Like the song says 
You knew his name
And his smell
And his eyes
And her hands 
You knew why, God
Rev. Ford said
God is always in control 

The girls were sixteen and seventeen 
I think
There was another boy
Little like me
He didn't have to suck dick
Because the big boy wasn't no fag

There was just me
My tiny lips and throat
And a dick
A dick, God
I always knew that boys had pre pees
But this was my first dick
Do pee pees grow into dicks

I must have done a real good job
Way she inhaled hiss and ahhed and watched with the others
Then there was wet that was not spit from my choke
God, are dicks always so messy and wet

He peed in my mouth
He peed in my mouth
I screamed and ran out the tent

I tried to race to my house 
Just next door to my father
Who would beat that dick up if he knew

The youngest and meanest of the big girls caught me
Tied a thick brown rope around my neck
Lifted me to the clothes line post cemented in the ground
Held my body as it swung

This post was not for sun drying dresses and skirts 
To be worn on Sundays with lace stockings and black shoes
This post was a four year old's Calvary 

Jesus wept and I did too
Did You leave Jesus alone
Was Jesus scared 
Did Jesus wonder why he was so bad

Her lips close as a prayer when she threatened if I told
Said I was a nasty girl anyway
Said she would run tell my mother first
Said I was out here being fass
Being all nasty

I was dirty

I have been nasty and dirty ever since
Are You the same God
The one who could never
Get me quite clean
No matter my awards or deeds
No matter how fast I forgave
No matter the down ass / ride or die bitch I proved myself to be
I never got clean

When I got home
I don't remember what I did
I remember I was afraid
I had something to hide
Not like I had done something bad
I WAS something bad

I was a thing now
Not sugar and spice 
I was mud and wet grass
I was hard rocks and trash

I knew You didn't like bad
Knew my parents could never find out
The nasty thing I did
Put my mouth on a big boy's penis and sucked
It didn't matter the girls made me
I still did it
I still sucked
Except I wasn't sucking at all
Was checking on a dick
Too big for my lips
Too heavy for my throat
No good girl would ever do that
I was a sinner
A fass ass dirty dinner

That night my mother gave me a bath
Asked me about the rope burn and I lied
I said I was playing a game 
I knew she didn't believe me 

Now I was a lying fass ass dirty sinner
I don't remember what happened to the dick
Or the little boy
Or the two girls next door
I don't remember them babysitting me anymore after that

Did You hear my prayers, God
Did You hear them after that
Do You ever listen now

My dolls weren't the same anymore
My coloring books either
My mother was pregnant with my sister 
I was too little to play with the neighborhood kids
Didn't matter though
What would we play
Games weren't the same anymore
There was a dick

Thank You, God for blessing me
With a child of my own
No one owns another body
No matter how new
My little boy is Yours
And his
He belongs to himself

There are days I stare at him
As he plays
He likes to be Spiderman 
He likes the Muppet Babbies
I watch him as he sleeps

I am always afraid
I am afraid of strangers 
Way they look at him
Way they walk past
I have to leave him sometimes
My breath does not belong to me
Until I see his face again
Until I see his dirty fingers

Don't leave him, God
Don't leave him alone 

I ask him questions
When we are alone
About people
About touches
About daycare
About play

He doesn't understand 
I think he is annoyed
I hug him too long
My whole head on his shoulder 
My coarse hair knife in his face
Prickly and sharp
He pulls away first
Sometimes I think he knows
How dirty I am

There are days, God
When the clouds are too heavy
For my head to hold

I am afraid
I want to see You face to face
I want to be out there where You are
I want to become a butterfly 
A tree
I want to live in the sky
The clay
The sea
Too many days
Too many thoughts
I don't know why
Will You be there for him
Will You watch him grow
Will You tell him how sorry I am

I cannot explain to him
The weight of this dirt
How heavy the thoughts that come
From nowhere
From everywhere 
Since early middle school 
The waves too crashing 
The sadness too deep

My baby did not make me clean
Did not save me
Is not enough to make me stay
I am afraid

I pick him up from daycare
I don't sign him out and leave as usual
I sit instead 
I talk to Mrs. Debbie

I am on the same couch
Close to her face
She is older now
I am older too

She remembers me
When I was a little girl
In the choir at church
On the junior usher board
All my Easter speeches

We talk and remember together 
Our days in the church
I tell her Rev. Hunter
Used to kiss me with his tongue
Deep in my mouth
When I was a little girl
Even when I was older
When I would extend my cheek
He would grip my chin
With his forefinger and thumb
Who would have believed me
What would I have said
I am ashamed to tell her
How afraid of him I was
Afraid to tell
To run
To move
To cry
I am ashamed to tell her my filth
My sin

I stop talking
Just drink my tea
Mrs. Debbie is quiet
I wish I could take my words back
Roll them into a ball
Flush them down the toilet

Maybe she won't believe me
Why would a reverend touch me

She puts down her drink
Turns to me slow
I know
She says
We all knew

I am still as a grave

I am magnet to questions that land on me
Like bricks
Like fire
They stick like leeches and lies

I cannot speak
There is dirt in my mouth
Dirt in my hair
In my shoes
Dirt in my bones

I want to die
I want to be a whisper
A breeze
Anything but me

The mania is what scared me the most
The mania still scares me
People talk about how hard the depression is
And it is
Depression is crippling and heavy
But I have some control
I couldn't even talk to You
Not even You

When I'm manic it's like there is another woman
Living in my body
That bitch hype
I am a rag doll
Blindly obeying

I can see myself from outside myself
Talking fast and loud
Arms moving wildly
I'm way too drunk

With all the hyper energy come thoughts
Thoughts that come too fast
Thoughts I can't control 
I translate them into demands of a bully to play dangerous games 
When I am driving the voices tell me to glide off a cliff
Jump off a bridge 
Buy the rat poison 
Shoot myself in the head
The thoughts go on
There is always another game
Can You hear them too
Do You know what I mean

That night back in June
It was pills

For weeks I had been rapidly cycling between 
Depression and mania
That was a switch 
From the quicksand of depression I had barely been breathing through

I was having panic attacks 
Almost every night
I was afraid of being alone
I was always sad
I was way too sad
I was afraid of everything 
Afraid of quiet
Of noise
Of light
Of dark
Mostly I was afraid of being alone

My son worked long shifts
On days and nights I didn't work
I would sit in the parking lot at Target or Kohl's 
Five hours

I was still working
I taught a writing class
Worked as a caregiver 
I sold my paintings
Performed poetry
Tried to praise You when I could
To be thankful for what I had

Everything I did
I had to do with a happy face
I kept on the table in front of the couch
I was sleeping on the couch
I was afraid of being alone in a room
Afraid of the kitchen
Afraid of the shower

The thoughts were calm at first
Usually in a manic state they are pushy
That night it was like talking to a good friend 

You don't have to take all the pills
Just enough so you can get some good sleep
That's not enough
Just a few more
You will be fine
Just to get some good sleep
That's all
Some good good sleep

I swallowed more pills
Then more
Then more
I knew this was for more than good sleep
This was for the best sleep ever

The thing about depression and mania 
Is that you believe the thoughts
At least I believed them
Why would a voice in my own head lie to me
Maybe the voice was You
Maybe the voice knew things I didn't
It had to
I believed everyone would be better without me
Believed I was a burden to my son
Beloved everyone was staring at me

I am not dirty
I am not trash
Or bad
Or the devil
Or any of the things the thoughts told me before 

I am incredible 
Am strong and a gift 
Made in Your image
I know this
I don't know this during an episode 
I was deep in one

I felt myself drifting to sleep
I remember praying 
I remember floating 

I slept the whole next day
My son left for work in the morning
When he returned that evening I was still on the couch
The next day I was present to what I had done
What I had done
Not the voices or thoughts 
I did it to myself
I knew I should check back into the hospital 
I have been in a psych ward before
No way was I ever going back
Ever ever

I was afraid to tell my doctor 
Afraid to tell anyone
I was consumed with sadness and guilt
I drove to my mom's house
I knew I wouldn't have to talk
We sat in the living room 
Watched a movie together 
I wanted to tell her
I needed to get it out
I didn't know how

The movie was over and I dived
I took a bunch of pills
I took a lot
No mother can hear that easily from her child
I knew she wouldn't know what to say 
But I needed to say it
I knew that she loved me
I know that she does
She changed the subject 
So fast my neck jerked
I understood
This was the family way
This is how my family deals with trauma
They become ghosts

How was I different 
I tried to leave too
To become invisible 
A past tense
To escape the pain of now

I was numb as a tooth
I had no tears
No anger either
What did I even want
We were not mushy women after all
We were huggy and kissy
We were shoelaces 
She and I
Coming in and out of holes
Knotting up
Wrapping into pretty bows
Holding on tight
Coming apart
Wrapping up nicely again

Suicide was not pretty
Or positive
Or near
Or forgivable 
It was sin
And forever
And here I was again
Being this way 
All ungrateful and selfish
Dropping this load

I don't remember what she said
Something though
Then walked into her room
And stayed

There is so much time now
To think and to write
The whole world has shut down
Dear God, many say You are punishing us
With this virus
This thing
This germ in the air

I don't believe that though
Don't believe a pandemic is a punishment 
We are not naughty children
We are not dogs that per on the carpet

Safer at home
Is what they say
Essential workers only
On the roads
Braving this storm
I spend my days and nights at home mostly
I leave for laundry
For food
To take Uraeus to work
To pick him up

Thank You, God
Thank You for my life
I am only here because of You
It has been almost a year since that night
Since the pills
Since everything almost ended

I am driving home
Uraeus is listening to his music
I can't hold back my tears

I tell Uraeus how sorry I am
Sorry about the pills
Sorry I almost left him 
To fend for himself

I try to inhale
The air is stingy with itself
I am only allowed short necessary breaths
It takes to survive 

I try to explain the sadness back then
The mania
The thoughts
The hype bitch inside
Are You there, God
Are You there

Uraeus tells me it's okay
Like he understands 
I hope he never understands 
Hope he never knows how this feels

My tears slow down
I feel air filling my lungs
I hear You talking to me
Hear You clear as thunder 

The house was sold soon after that night
That night with the pills
We were only renters
What say did we have

We were homeless after that
For many months
Lived in hotels
Never Holiday Inns

Rent was one hundred dollars a day
Sometimes even more
Over three thousand dollars a month
For months

All of our stuff
In our little room
Mostly we shared a bed
Some nights we got two

I know You were there, God
It had to be You
Last year was the hardest year of our lives
But You saw us through

Every night we had food
Every morning we had rent
By the skin of our teeth sometimes 
But every morning we paid

I feel so alone
Anger devoured me like flood
My family was nowhere 
Never asked how we were
Never asked where

What if I had died that night 
That night with the pills
What if I left 

Uraeus and I are still on the drive home
The tears return
But they don't fall
We have each other
We know our bond is tight

We are home
We have a new home now
We rent an apartment 
Small and comfortable 
There is art on the walls
Rent only due on the first
Our shoulders can fall now

December 19 we got the keys to our place
Our place
Our place
My family wants us to come over for Christmas 
To go see a movie
To hang out and play

It's too soon
I try to explain
I needed time, God
For the anger to wane

Where were they
All those lonely nights 
Early mornings when I was still short on the rent
With only friends I could call
With only my art and books to sell
With a teaching job that paid pennies
With my clients I took care of
All elders with Alzheimer's 
Who don't know my name

Uraeus was my peace
My friend
My partner on the journey 
Spent his days looking for work
Going on interviews 
Being told no
Then looking and looking
And looking again

Now we are okay
Now family wants to family
Guess as long as we don't talk about the year that we had
Guess as long as everyone can just move on
How, God
How do I sweep last year under a rug
Just go on like nothing

Here we are in spring
It's better now
We are working 
Then coming home
Everyday I am thankful 
We have a home

The good thoughts come too
The good talks with my mother
Today she said she could tell I lost weight 
I smiled on the phone
Like I had done something right

Maybe my life will never be my own
Maybe I will always be seeking her approval 
It's time, God
I know
Even my therapist agrees
Time to paint this canvas of my life
With what I want for myself

I let the thoughts come
The good ones and bad
I let myself get angry 
And there are times when I am glad

I remember the Vidars
My cheerleading team
When I was a child
Remember my mother would pile us into her car
As many as could fit
To go to the drive in
Eat popcorn and licorice and drink pop
I remember Friday night sleepovers
Dance offs in the living room
Tetherball games in the backyard

I remember how hard she worked
To keep a roof over our heads 
How she didn't bad mouth our dad
How she gave all she had
I remember 
I remember 

Who was ever emotionally available in my family
Where would she have learned 
Not from her mother or father
Not from her many siblings
Not her aunts
Not her uncles
Not the church
Or the world where she lived

I was so hungry though, God
For good touch and care
Starving, God
For someone to see I was there
This artist child
Touched way too soon
Who could not pray the pain away
Who didn't know what to say
Didn't know who to tell what
Who to trust how
I was swallowed in secrets
That made me too sad

I wanted to prove how lovable I was
That I could be pretty and fun
I ignored the red flags
All of my life
Maybe he will stay
Maybe he will stay
Maybe he is sorry
Maybe he is sorry
Maybe I can be better
I can be better

At twenty-two I was watching The Cosby Show 
On my own couch when he called
Come over
He said
Let's watch together 
Maybe now
Maybe now
He stayed on the phone
The time I was there
I watched Denise and her antics
The and his smile
On his futon
Just me all alone

Finally he came out of the room
Without saying a word
Kissed me on my neck
Then touched my breasts
I am still again
Numb and afraid
He held my shoulders down
With his elbow and fist
I was too afraid to cry
I was too afraid to fight
My cousin and his girlfriend 
Lived just across the street
Maybe if I screamed I thought 
He zipped up his pants
Led me to the door
What happened 
I thought
I thought he liked me 
But no
I stood outside his door
When he handed me my purse
Now go tell
He laughed

Then closed the screen slow


This morning I woke up thinking about a time when Uraeus was about four months old and we were going with my family to Las Vegas to celebrate my step father's birthday. I think we were all in my mom's SUV. I didn't know my status as bipolar at that time but looking back I was rapidly cycling between mania and depression. On top of that I was experiencing postpartum depression. Adding more, at that time for work I was babysitting my friend's newborn twins. Her sons were a month older than Uraeus and I was not being paid the rate anyone should be paid to babysit twin newborns. I wasn't even being paid friends and family rate. She was paying me $100 a month and somehow seemed to take pride in that. One time she even said, "I do pay you a whole hundred dollars." It's laughable now, but it wasn't then. Ok, let's add more, my relationship with my son's dad was ending. It was a lot. That's the background, now back to the story.

We were on the way to Vegas and were almost at the hotel. Somehow my milk for Uraeus spilled in my bag and I lost it. Emotionally it sent me EVERYWHERE. I don't remember what I said but I lashed out at my mother and just created an awkward mood for everyone. I was literally crying over spilled milk. When I could get my mother alone I apologized for my outburst but she didn't want to hear it. Not that I blame her. I mean, from her perspective, it was MILK. And there I was acting like my life was over. I didn't know how to explain to anyone what I was going through. I didn't understand it myself.

When Uraeus and I got in the room my sister, who had just had a baby herself, brought me some milk. I remember her handing it to me like, here, dang, it's just milk. And to her, it was just milk, but to me, my life was ending. Or at least I wanted it to be. That's the thing about bipolar brains. EVERYTHING could be a life or death situation. I was dealing with so much and didn't know how I was going to get out of it.

The room Uraeus and I were in had two full beds. One was for us and the other was for my mom and step father. Before Richard, my step father, got in the room, I was standing in front of the window in the hotel. I was just standing there looking out. My mental clouds were very dark. When Richard came in the room I went to the bed and just started crying uncontrollably. I tried to be as quiet as I could but it wasn't a secret. He didn't say anything to me. Not that I remember anyway. When my mother came in the room he told her that I had been crying. I don't remember her saying anything either. Maybe they didn't know what to say. Maybe they were upset. I don't know. I mean here it was Richard's birthday and the family was all together and here I was...acting like that.

I think this memory came up today because yesterday I posted a picture on Instagram of my gas gage in my car. It was on E and the gas light was on. I posted a caption with the picture that said Kinda how I feel. This morning I saw a comment on the photo that said, "Ain't nothing a little cash can't cure." The person who posted the comment is a friend and the comment was posted with all the best intentions. And she is right. She doesn't know that I am living in a hotel and paying rent by the day and tired from working like crazy and selling art and discounting my prices so that I can make my daily money goal. She doesn't know how that yellow gas light almost sent me into tears. And how could she know it? This is not about her. It's about me and where I am. It's about me on one hand feeling so blessed and powerful that I'm even making it and on the other hand feeling SUPER tired and needing a break. When I saw the comment for a quick second I was back in that hotel, crying over milk.

This morning is a different story. My gas is still on E but I'll make it. I'll get to work. I'll get some money. I'll get to where I'm going tonight. I'll sell some paintings. Please God, let me sell some paintings. I'll get some gas. I'll be ok. I will you know. I will be ok.

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