Sunday, May 19, 2019

Navy guy. Comdoms. Jerk.

In my early twenties I dated a man who was active in the navy. We became sexually active and our method of birth control was condoms. I insisted we use them every time. He didn't seem to have a problem with that until one night while we were having sex he was on top of me and slightly lifted himself up to, what I thought was, adjust himself. I didn't know until we finished having sex that he had actually took the condom off. When I asked him why he did that he said because he was uncomfortable. Because clearly his comfort came above my choice. He didn't understand why that made me so upset. At that time there was no day after pill. There was only the old school method which consisted of worrying until your period came. Thankfully mine did and he shipped out as navy navy men do.

When I look back on that night I mostly remember how annoyed he was that I was mad that he would do something like that. And he wouldn't acknowledge the potential position he put me in. What if I had gotten pregnant, an STD?

It's awful that women's bodies don't seem to mean anything to some men except how comfortable he is. I know this is something that men do very often. I'm sorry that others have to experience it. Will the day ever come that our mental and physical comfort matters too?

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