Friday, December 21, 2018

Good sleep. Moving. Lithium.

I'm feeling better today than I was yesterday. I slept well. Something about the day that brightenes my perspective. Even if just a little.

I'm scheduled to see the place where Uraeus and I plan to move on the day after Christmas. Well, I'll be seeing it that day but we aren't moving until the first. It will be good to start off the new year in a place where we are renting. Not staying with friends or a hotel. Things are looking up.

I know I'm jumping around here but I often do. The doctor at the missed appointment clinic was trying to persuade me into going off the Lorazapam. My old doctor often told me that it wasn't does for long term use. I know they're both right I just can't find the right time to go off of it. I really depend on it to sleep. Especially when I'm depressed. I'm scared about using it though because it effects the memory. With my family history of dementia I don't need anything else causing me to lose my memory.

Speaking of the meds the lithium could be causing harm to my kidneys. I'm going to look into some herbs to protect them as well as drinking more water. I don't have a new years resolution or anything but if there is something I'm going to change in the new year it's staying hydrated.

God I'm glad I'm feeling better today. The fog is still there and the tears still flow for no real reason but I'm not where I was. I'm going to rest today and keep breathing through it.

I hope you're well.

Love yourselves.

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