Saturday, September 26, 2020


A Black man was driving under the influence and hit my parked car this morning. He hit mine and pushed mine into another and he hit another car behind mine. These things happen. Neighbors came out and when everyone saw we were ok we all waited and watched and stood as close as we could and made sure the brotha was treated with respect. We watched the cops handle him until they drove him away. Twice he tried to step away from them to say something to me. I don't need words. I'm ok. The insurance companies will do what they do. I needed him ok. My heart went out to his wife who was there in a separate car and had to watch her husband being taken away. Be safe out there people. And before it happens, don't drag him on this thread about driving under the influence. I know it's wrong. Let's just take this as a reminder of what can happen when we get behind the wheel because we feel "okay enough to drive." I have driven home from many restaurants and gatherings after two glasses. I made it home safely but I'm no different than the guy who hit me. And you aren't either. Maybe you don't drink or smoke weed, maybe you are on the phone while you drive or maybe you do your make up while driving. I'm asking you to see yourselves in this scenario to get the lesson. You don't get the lesson while judging. Again, thank you for your prayers. Please pray for the families of the others whose cars were damaged. Please pray for him and his family also. Be safe out there, y'all.

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