Friday, September 18, 2020


 6:41am. Home. I have a dental appointment today. Two root canals. I had to get a deep cleaning also. My insurance only agreed to pay for the deep cleaning for the right side of my mouth for some reason. They said I would have to pay for the other side. That was going to be $100. I agreed to do that. Then I got a call from the dental office saying that the insurance would pay for the cleaning for the left side. Cool. When I got to the dentist yesterday to have the left side cleaned they said the insurance would not pay for the left side and they didn't know who would have called me. I wasn't prepared to pay so they sent me away but said it was ok to come back today for the root canals. I'm supposed to have two on the right side and if the dentist "had time" they would do both. If not, I would have to come back. Whatever. 

My mom told me she would take me today. I forgot to call her to set up the time and had resolved to drive myself but she just called me to get the information. I appreciate that. It will be good to see her. In other news, I went for a walk yesterday and also the day before. I am going to try to go today after the dentist. I want to go this morning but I'm taking Uraeus to work early this morning. 

I started a Patreon account so that's where my poetry is going. Join me there if you want to continue reading my poems. I hope y'all are well and have a great day. 

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