Friday, October 5, 2018

Prayer. Nap. Red Stories returns.

Friday, September 5, 2018 2:46pm Los Angeles. Home.

I'm in much better spirits today. I don't know why. I don't know what happened. Yes I do. Prayer happened. Communication happened. Faith happened. Raising the vibration happened. Friendship happened. All of it. I feel good. I called my landlord to see if he would take a partial payment and he said he had to call his son (the owner). We will see. He will take it or he won't. I don't know. I asked for change and I know that's a dangerous thing, to ask for change. Because you never know how change is going to show up. My head is held high though. I am a hard worker and I work a lot and all of my money goes towards my son, bills, rent, food, gas. That's pretty much it. Me, I hope he takes it. But that's me.

I'm going to take a good nap because I did an overnight last night at my second client's home. I got off at 11:00 this morning then had a meeting with Camari at The World Stage then lunch with Sage. I'm full and tired now and I have to go to work tonight. God is good. Just putting that out there.

Oh, I got a call from Food this morning and we talked about bringing Red Stories back. I love that idea. That conversation got me pumped! The first one will be a Red Stories pop up October 14. I want to have Bridgette Bianca as my guest.

Ok, I'm typing but I'm tired. More later.

Love yourselves.

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