Sunday, October 28, 2018

Leaving apartment. Leaving stuff. Loading car.

Sunday, October 2018, 2018 8:54 Los Angeles. Home(ish).

This will probably be my last post from this apartment. I'll miss it. It was home for about five years. I'm getting sentimental. But that's ok. On to bigger and better adventures. We spent the day packing and we are still packing. I'm trying to meet a 4:00 deadline to give him the key. I haven't told him the time but I'm sure he's expecting to meet me about that time. We only had about two more trips to the storage unit. Uraeus thinks only one but I say a good two. Most of what we have in here not is not going with us. I've been putting things outside by the tree. Most of the rest is going in the trash can outside. I'm going to try to have the car loaded tonight so that at 9:30 in the morning when they open we can immediately unload and come back for another load then throw the big things away like the bed and headboard and desk. I'm leaving the couch and table here. They are too heavy to take out.

My breaks over. Have a good one.

Love yourselves.

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