Thursday, October 18, 2018

Easy shift. Figuring it out. No labs.

Thursday, October 18, 2018 12:37am Los Angeles. Home.

Hello all. I hope your day was well. Mine was. My shift with my client was pretty easy. She is close to the end now so mostly I watch her and try to interpret her groans and see what she wants. She doesn't want much these days. I sit with her and pray for her and her family. I'll be there again tonight. She's not eating anything but ice chips and Monday I fed her some Ensure through a syringe. Tonight she only had a few ice chips. I'm concerned about her family after she goes. They are tough now but when that time comes it's hard. Nothing like a parent.

I have to get some more clients or figure something else out quickly because after I get Uraeus in this room I'm going to be the one paying the majority of the rent there. I have a few gigs lined up and that's good but I will need more soon. I really am on this kick where I am just not stressing myself out about it though. Stress is a killer for me. It takes me out and I can't afford to be out. I have to be as in as possible.

I didn't go get my labs done on Tuesday like I said I would so I have to do it tomorrow because my appointment with my doctor is on the 26th and that's coming up soon. I don't like getting up early. I really don't. But I have to so I am just going to do it.

Well, I'm going to hit it. I hope y'all get some good rest.

Love yourselves.

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