Saturday, October 6, 2018

Landlord. Work. Nap.

Hi all. My landlord and owner accepted my partial payment. Thankful. This too shall pass. I believe this. Right now though, I'm in the thick of it. I still have to come up with the balance on Monday. I'm working like a (insert hard working person or thing here) and I'm praying and believing so let's hope so. Yes, let's like let us. You're included. Pray saints.

I had another overnight shift last night. It went really easy. Glad about that. I got home about noon and took a crazy long nap. No matter how easy the shift goes I'm still dog tired when I get home. I'm up now though obviously and am getting ready for another overnight shift. This is my last overnight shift with this client for a while so I'm hoping we end on an easy night again. Next week will be lighter and I can focus on more creative things.

I hope you all have a lovely day and remember to love yourselves.

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