Wednesday, October 24, 2018

No labs. Storage. V.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018 12:19am Los Angeles. Home.

First off, nope I didn't go get my labs done today. Thursday is the last day I have before my doctors appointment so I will go then. I know you don't believe me. I barely believe myself. But I'm going Thursday. So there's that.

We got our storage space today. Some place close to where we are now and a pretty decent rate I think. It will also hold all of our stuff. I had planned to move some of our things in there today but it didn't happen either. I'm not moving as fast as I would like to be but I'm moving so that counts. I think it counts. Yeah, it counts. I've organized things to be moved but haven't really moved anything. Well, I made a few trips to the trash can so that's like moving things. I'll do more tomorrow.

I'm just getting home a few minutes ago. I took V to get water then went to drop off a key at my cousin's place then since I was in Inglewood and tired of looking at piles of stuff in my home I called Dietra. Glad she was home. I bought a couple bottles of wine and popcorn and went to watch tv with her. We watched This is Us. Love that show but I never get to watch it. Friendship is priceless. We watched tv, talked, and just got each other for a few hours. I needed that and maybe she did too. Thank God for friends.

I don't have much else today except I hope everyone gets some good rest and enjoys your day.

Love yourselves.

Oh, I talked to Therman and that was good. He might come down for my mother's birthday party on the 11th. Same day as Red Stories by the way. But her party starts at 3 and Red Stories is at 8. We'll work it out.

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